Wool, found driftwood, metallic thread, mesh

The Doric Dwams project explored wellbeing and mindfulness through the interdisciplinary fusion of writing and textiles.
I produced ten fibre wall hangings, each inspired by, and featuring a different haiku in Doric (Northeast Scots) by writer Shane Strachan.
I produced ten fibre wall hangings, each inspired by, and featuring a different haiku in Doric (Northeast Scots) by writer Shane Strachan.
These tactile pieces were created in conjunction with workshops I led with service-users of RapeCrisis Grampian (RCG), drawing on my own experiences as a survivor of sexual asssalt, and using weaving as a tool towards wellbeing.
The pieces were on display in various locations across the city of Aberdeen for a month as part of a walking trail from the weekend of International Women’s Day (8th March 2020), across various locations in Rosemount and on Thistle Street including: F o o d S t o r y, Almondine, A Yarn Tale, The Cult of Coffee, Rosemount Community Centre Association, Wool For Ewe and Bonnymuir Green.
The wall hangings were then sold with all monies raised going to support the essential services offered by RCG.
This project was supported by Aberdeen City Council’s Creative Funding Award.